Episode 11: Yintang


What conditions can Yintang help with?

Yintang is used for stress and anxiety, and related symptoms such as insomnia due to over thinking. It’s also a good local point for allergy symptoms such as nasal congestion, sinus headaches, and itchy eyes.

Where is Yintang located?

Yintang is a single point located between the eyebrows. Find the midpoint between the inner edges of your eyebrows — that’s Yintang.

How do I perform acupressure on Yintang?

If you’re performing acupressure on yourself, the middle finger usually provides the best leverage on Yintang. On someone else, come behind their head and use your middle or index finger to press, or just sit by their side and try using your thumb.

Apply firm pressure to Yintang for 2-3 minutes while taking some slow deep breaths. You can try making some small massage circles while applying pressure. 

Anything else I should know about Yintang?

Yintang is what’s known in acupuncture as an extra point, meaning it’s not associated with any particular meridian. There are several extra points throughout the body, but Yintang is unique in that it does actually fall along the pathway of a meridian —the Governing Vessel — yet it’s not considered part of that meridian. The reasons for this are unknown.

Yintang’s English name is Hall of Impression. You can remember this by linking it to the point’s function. When we’re stressed out or anxious, often we don’t present the best version of ourselves — we don’t give an authentic impression. Pressing Yintang can help alleviate the stress that gets in the way of leaving the impression we want.

Listen to the episode to learn more!