Episode 13: Kidney 27


What conditions can Kidney 27 help with?

Kidney 27 is used to alleviate cough, shortness of breath, and feelings of fear. 

Where is Kidney 27 located?

Kidney 27 is located on the upper chest, at about the level of the collar bone. More specifically, the point is found on the lower border of the collar bone, about one-and-a-half inches out from the midline of the body. 

To find the point, first find the lower border of the collar bone. Run your index finger along that border — from the midline outward — and feel for a slight divot. That’s Kidney 27. 

How do I perform acupressure on Kidney 27?

Press Kidney 27 on both sides at the same time. This helps balance your breathing into your lungs and throughout the whole upper body. When you apply firm pressure to Kidney 27, it can be tender, so ease into it and increase pressure as you adjust. Hold the point for 2-3 minutes while closing your eyes and taking slow deep breaths. 

Anything else I should know about Kidney 27?

A lesser known but important use for Kidney 27 is to reduce fear. In acupuncture, each system is associated with an emotion. The emotion associated with the Kidney system is fear. 

Anxiety is rampant in our society — and often, at the root of anxiety is fear. Fear of getting sick. Fear that our loved ones could be in danger. Fear about finances. Fear of the unknown. For many of us, all this fear presents itself as anxiety. 

Acupressure on Kidney 27 helps your Kidney system and fear/anxiety levels back into balance.

Listen to the episode to learn more!